Relationship Attunement Programme
Reinforcing the Foundations of Vibrant, Healthy, Loving Relationships
The Relationship Attunement Programme is a four session relationship maintenance programme.
It is designed for Couples who are not in relational distress but are wanting to Nourish their relationship, Strengthen connection & closeness and Deepen intimacy.

Who can benefit from this programme?
Good relationships need a healthy balance of individual and together time. What constitutes a healthy balance is unique to each couple and takes into account the differing needs of each partner. When one partner needs lots of togetherness and the other needs lots of space it can be hard to find a balance that nourishes both.
This is where Attunement comes into play.
How does Attunement work?
Attunement is mostly known as the early process of parental bonding with an infant, it’s not about words, rather a visceral sense of safety, trust and belonging.
Attunement in an adult relationship gives the capacity to embrace, celebrate and enjoy difference. You may remember in the beginning of your relationship lots of gazing into each others eyes, lots of hand-holding, lying in each others arms. Days, even weeks, were given over to just being together, soaking in each other’s presence. This is Attunement in action
We forge our relationships with this process of Attunement.
Our entire system experiences a sense of Safety, Trust and Belonging, and this is the optimal climate for Love to flourish.
As we move into the next stage of relationship, creating a life together, focusing on home, careers, children, we are more shoulder to shoulder than face to face. It is at this stage that we need to consciously tend to our attunement.
The Relationship Attunement Programme
is designed to tend to the foundation of your relationship so that you can have:
Resilience with change and difference,
Nourishment from your relationship as you each grow and develop as individuals in the world
Deep connection
Evolving, vibrant loving.
The Nuts & Bolts
Private Series
Each private session lasts one hour
The 4 session series costs €360
Sessions available in Greystones
What Happens in a Private Session?
We start with talking, exploring the strengths and challenges in the relationship and what each of you want from the sessions.
Based on that I teach you an attunement exercise, you practice it in the session. Then we have a chat about how it was, how you felt during it. We might adapt it then to best suit you. You then practice it over the week. The next session we look at your experience of the practice and the effect of it. Based on that I introduce a new exercise.
What Happens in a Group Session?
Before we start each couple will have filled out a form letting me know the strengths and challenges in the relationship and what each of you want from the series.
Each session I teach an attunement exercise, you practice it in the session. Each couple has a chat about how it was, how you felt during it. In the chat we use techniques to enhance listening skills and refine communication.
You then practice it over the week. The next session we look at your experience of the practice and the effect of it.
Each technique builds on the previous one.