Psychotherapist - Counsellor - Relationship Counsellor

“So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing,
and put your lips to the world. And live your life." Mary Oliver​
Fiona's aim through her work is to enable clients to open to the possibilities available to them in life, to reach into their potential and find fullfillment in the process.
Fiona is a Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist and certified Couples Counsellor, holding a Honours BA Degree in Psychotherapy and Counselling.
The Humanistic and Integrative approach emphasizes human uniqueness, positive qualities, and individual potential and integrates a range of modalities including: Person-centered, Psychodynamic and Existential Psychotherapy, Family Systems and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Body Oriented and Group Psychotherapy and working with Issues of sexual Violence and Abuse.
Fiona has spent the last ten years in an in depth study of human sexuality and relating including
Relating techniques from Gestalt, Non-Violent Communication, and Rogerian Psychotherapy Couples Counselling and Emotion Focused Couples Therapy.
Body Oriented techniques that assist in releasing held tensions, both emotional and physical: Neo-Reichian Bodywork, Breathwork, Somatics, and Yoga.
Sexuality and relationship practices drawn from Tantra, an ancient eastern tradition which views sex and relationship as having the potential to be a profoundly transformational process for a human being. What is Tantra?
Fiona continues her professional development attending workshops and seminars including Women's Sexuality, Marriage Counselling, The Developmental Model of Relationship Counselling, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Family Constellations, Conflict Resolution, Psychosexual therapy, Yoga, Dance and Meditation,